Mumbai: The first look of Saif Ali Khan’s character from his upcoming film Bhoot Police was unveiled today. Trade analyst Taran Adarsh also took to Twitter and shared the new poster of the actor.
‘BHOOT POLICE’ TO PREMIERE ON DISNEY+HOTSTAR… #FirstLook: #SaifAliKhan as #Vibhooti in #BhootPolice… Costars #ArjunKapoor, #JacquelineFernandez, #YamiGautam and #JaavedJaaferi… Directed by Pavan Kirpalani… Coming soon on #DisneyPlusHotstar.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) July 5, 2021
Bhoot Police, also starring Jacqueline Fernandez, Yami Gautam, and Arjun Kapoor is slated for a direct-to-digital release on Disney+ Hotstar.