News, as it should be covered, has been the forte of Pragativadi over the years. And this has ensured a classy readership encompassing the who’s who of the state. The people who matter in Odisha, depend on Pragativadi. For opinion leaders, decision makers and people with surplus disposable income Pragativadi is a must.
A conscious readership that doesn’t flip through the pages, is Pragativadi’s vital strength. No wonder then, that Pragativadi has been the fastest growing daily in Odisha. Sobriqueted as ‘what an independent daily ought to be’ Pragativadi is a complete newspaper in the true sense. Acclaimed analysts and lauded critics pen their thoughts exclusively for Pragativadi. And readers devour it. From zany tinsel town gossip to sensitive stock market movements, fun and frolic for kids, freewheeling fiction for the literature freak and starry sports coverage…. you find ’em all in Pragativadi.
A 53 year young and vibrant daily Pragativadi enjoys a clientele which is both extensive and select. Extensive because it feels the people’s pulse and reaches every corner. Select because it interacts with opinion leaders from the panchayats to the parliament.
A jumbo combo that very few vernaculars can boast of and surely no other media in Odisha can offer.