Is Facial Steaming Actually Good For Your Skin? Know Here


New Delhi: Face steaming is one of the best ways for your face to feel and look fresh and smooth. It is an integral part of a healthy skincare routine.

Facial steaming helps to open up your pores, and removes all the dirt and grime, making way for clear skin. The vapours also stimulate the blood vessels for enhanced circulation to help you get a perfect glow while keeping signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles at bay!

Steaming is effective only for skin that has blackheads and whiteheads. The heat helps to open up pores, and that makes it easier to remove them without any obstruction.

Benefits of Face Steaming

Cleanses Impurities:

Face steaming opens up your pores allowing the release of dead skin cells, bacteria, dirt, and other impurities that clog pores. All of which helps to prevent blemishes.

If you are experiencing blackheads a face steam can help soften them making them easier for removal.

Reduces Excess Sebum:

Sebum is natural oil produced by our sebaceous glands. It’s purpose is to lubricate our hair and skin. But, when sebum is trapped beneath our skin’s surface it can create a breeding ground for bacteria leading to blemishes and blackheads. Facial steam helps to release trapped sebum oil as it opens the pores.

Increases Circulation:

A combination of warm steam and increased perspiration while facial steaming dilates your blood vessels and increases circulation. What does this do for your skin? The boost of blood flow nourishes your skin and delivers oxygen resulting in a natural, healthy glow.

Hydrates & Moisturizes:

Facial steaming hydrates the skin and naturally moisturizes your face.

Promotes Relaxation:

Just the feeling of warm steam on your face is relaxing. By adding herbs and essential oils to the face steam you can soothe the body and mind.

Additionally, while face steaming you can focus on your breathing, taking slow deep breaths helping to de-stress.

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