The fifth installment in the Insidious franchise, Insidious: The Red Door is an upcoming supernatural horror film directed by Patrick...
“Captain America: New World Order” has been retitled as “Captain America: Brave New World.” Marvel Studios announced the title change...
New Delhi: Veteran singer Celine Dion has cancelled all 2023 and 2024 dates on her "Courage" world tour. The singer...
As Prime Video’s Citadel races towards its finale on May 26, it has been making waves across the world, with...
As Prime Video’s Citadel races towards its finale on May 26, it has been making waves across the world, with...
Veteran Hollywood actor Robert De Niro has welcomed his seventh child at the age of 79. De Niro confirmed the...
Warner Bros. India on Friday announced 'The Flash' movie will hit the Indian theatres on June 15, a day prior...
Google on April 30 celebrated Alan Rickman, who starred in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as the scene-stealing Severus...
New Delhi: Marvel’s upcoming series Secret Invasion brings Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson) back from the dead as he attempts...
New Delhi: Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck flaunted their complimentary tattoos on Valentine’s Day as they celebrate commitment. Jennifer Lopez...