Uttar Pradesh: A photo of an admit card for the ongoing UP Police Constable Recruitment Exam with two photos of Bollywood actress Sunny Leone with her name spelt as “Sunny Leon” went viral on Sunday morning. The registration was done under the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board’s (UPPRB) website and according to the admit card, the applicant was supposed to appear at the exam centre in Kannauj’s Tirwa tehsil at Smt Soneshree Memorial Girls College.
However, sub-divisional magistrate Ashok Kumar said that the applicant who used the Leone’s photo did not turn up at the assigned centre and was marked absent.
Today is the first day of the two-day written examination conducted by the UPPRB in 75 districts across 2,385 exam centres in Uttar Pradesh.
The gender of the applicant was marked as ‘male’ and the home district was mentioned as Kannauj district. Under the city column, the applicant mentioned Mumbai, whereas the state column read Uttar Pradesh, TOI reported.
The officers and college administration present at the Soneshree Memorial Girls College were shocked to see Sunny Leone’s name on the list of candidates, provided by the administration before the commencement of the exam, TOI reported.
After becoming aware of the mischief, the UPPRB declared the admit card as “fake” and stated that the candidate uploaded incorrect pictures during registration. The recruitment board immediately corrected the admit card by uploading blank photo sections, India Today reported.
Another video shared by an X user showed several aspiring UP Police candidates sleeping at a railway station, bus stand, and footpath and also attached the admit card photo that went viral.
The post was captioned: “This is the youth who is forced to sleep at places like railway station, footpath, bus stand to give police papers but their dreams are shattered when the admit card of a porn star like Sunny Leone goes viral and the government does nothing.”