Creators of the upcoming Telugu comedy drama Kumari Srimathi, which exclusively premieres on Prime video on 28 September, recently held a special screening of one episode of the series for media and friends from the industry.
Filmmakers like Nandini Reddy and Hanu Raghavapudi, along with the cast including Talluri Rameswari, Prem Sagar, Nirupam, Mahesh Achanta and Praneeta Patnaik, director Gomtesh Upadhye, producer Swapna Dutta and Manish Meghnani, Director and Head Content Licensing, Prime Video, graced the blue carpet.
At the end of the screening, all attendees gave a thunderous applause, appreciating the engaging narrative, humorous storyline, and sincere performances delivered by the ensemble cast of the series.
Set in a village in East Godavari, the series hilariously encapsulates the tribulations in the life of a 30-year-old woman (played by Nithya Menen), who challenges stereotypes in a small town riddled with antiquity. The seven-episode series is produced by Early Monsoon Tales, a web division of Vyjanyanthi Entertainments with a legacy of 50 years, and directed by Gomtesh Upadhye.
Kumari Srimathi will exclusively premiere in India and 240 countries and territories worldwide on Prime Video on September 28 in Telugu, with dubs in Hindi, Tamil, and Malayalam.