New Delhi: Social media company Meta announced that its India head, Ajit Mohan, has stepped down to pursue another opportunity. Mohan is going to join rival social media platform Snap.
“Ajit has decided to step down from his role at Meta to pursue another opportunity outside of the company,” Nicola Mendelsohn, Vice President of Global Business Group at Meta, said in a statement.
Ajit Mohan joined Facebook India as the managing director in January 2019. During his stay, two of the company’s offerings – WhatsApp and Instagram – added over 200 million users in India.
Manish Chopra, director and head of partnerships at Meta India, will take over on an interim capacity.
He joins Snap at a time when the company’s photo-sharing application Snap is looking to shore up revenue in India. The country is home to almost a third of the company’s active users.
Prior to Meta, Mohan was with Hotstar where he was instrumental in the platform’s growth into one of India’s leading video-streaming platforms. He is an alumnus of McKinsey and company’s New York office where he worked with media companies around the globe.