Benefits Of Regular Cycling For Fitness And Mental Health


New Delhi: Cycling is a healthy, low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Know the effect of cycling daily on your body. Read the benefits of cycling!

1. Weight Control

Cycling raises metabolic rate, builds muscle and helps in burning body fat. When combined with a healthy eating regime, cycling can prove to be an effective way in reducing weight. Research has shown that a good hour of cycling can help in burning 400 to 1000 calories, subject to the intensity and the rider’s metabolism.

2. Improved Cardiovascular health

Cycling as a regular activity can help you deal with high blood pressure issues and might evert many heart-related issues. Cycling often helps in boosting your heart’s health and many times minimizes the risk of cardiac arrest and other such issues.

3. Boost Lungs’ Health

Regular cycling can also increase the health and stamina of your lungs. During cycling, the lungs get a regular supply of fresh oxygen and the increased breathing rate allows the development of muscled around the lungs.

4. Boosts Mental Health

Cycling can be helpful in easing feelings of stress, depression, or anxiety. Cycling is also helpful in social well-being and inculcates the feeling of personal mastery and solidarity.

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