Surprising Health Benefits Of Chestnuts


New Delhi: Chestnuts are edible nuts produced by the trees and shrubs of the Castanea genus, which are commonly found throughout the northern hemisphere. Chestnuts have a number of important health benefits including their ability to improve digestive health, strengthen bones, protect cardiovascular health, boost the immune system, and lower blood pressure. They also increase cognition and prevent chronic illnesses. Here’s exactly what’s inside those tough hulls.

Promotes Bone Health

Benefits of chestnuts include its power of strengthening the bones. Chestnuts contain copper, calcium, phosphorous and magnesium. These nutrients play an integral role in promoting bone health in people of all ages.

Boosts Immunity level

Chestnuts are loaded with antioxidants that help to boost our immunity naturally. It contains tannic, phenolic, fatty acids, vitamin A and C, zinc and copper which are vital in preventing the damages caused by free radicals present in our body.

Aids Weight Loss

Yes! You heard it right. Chestnuts help in weight loss. It keeps you satiated for a long duration with fewer calories. Water chestnuts can be categorized as high-volume foods. High-volume foods could support you to lose weight, as they keep you satiated with fewer calories for a longer duration.

Good For Digestive Health

Chestnuts can be helpful for digestion. They contain zinc, magnesium, dietary fibre and tannins, all of which have a crucial role in improving our digestive health.

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