Suffering A Bad Hangover? Try These Home Remedies


New Delhi: Weekend parties often lead us to heavy drinking tend to hang over. And the repercussions of the overindulgence can be anything from a pounding headache, queasiness, dizziness, sensitivity to light and sound, muscle ache, or irritability. Don’t we worry we have come up with some effective home remedies that will help you to overcome hangovers?

Drink plenty of water

The first and foremost thing should be drinking a lot of water to keep you hydrated. Moreover, consume water even while drinking. Alcohol often dehydrates your body, leading to symptoms of a hangover. Alcohol also increases the amount of urine a person passes, resulting in loss of fluid and dehydration.

Sleep, sleep, sleep!

Getting a lot of sleep is the body’s own way to treat a hangover. So staying sleep-deficient is not advisable.  The following tips can help you with your hangover but the mother of all advice is to stay away from alcohol or consume it responsibly.


Lemon juice or lemon tea is a popular home remedy for hangovers. It helps to assimilate alcohol and provides instant relief. The best trait of lemon is that it makes a gentle medicine that can be taken on a possibly upset stomach.

 Drink ginger tea

Ginger is known to soothe an upset stomach. Having a ginger tea with half-a-teaspoon of honey in it can burn off alcohol still present in your system. If you don’t want to prepare tea, even munching a slice of ginger is also a good alternative.

Eating proper breakfast

While hangover might leave you irritated, resulting in a loss of appetite, make sure to eat a proper breakfast as it helps regulate blood sugar levels. Hangover often results in low blood sugar level, caused due to breaking down of alcohol in the body. In addition, it also provides protein, carbohydrates, healthful fats, and vitamins needed by the body.

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