New Delhi: Google celebrated the musical instrument accordion with a doodle on Thursday. The accordion was patented on May 23, 1829 with the name derived from the German word akkord (chord).
The doodle’s music theme featured the “Google” logo, integrated within the bellows of an accordion and depicted being played while musiciams dressed in traditional German attire and danced to its melodies.
The search engine also explained how Germany played a role in increasing the accordion production in the early 1800s.
“Throughout the late 1800s, manufacturers in Germany increased their accordion production due to its popularity among folk musicians across Europe. Early accordions had buttons on just one side, and each of these buttons created the sound of an entire chord.”
“Another impressive feature is that the same button could produce two chords — one when the bellows were expanding and another when the bellows were contracting,” the explanation read.
The search engine also wrote about the instrument had gained popularity over the years and was played in various different types of music such as folk music, cajun music and others.