Boston: Marvel superhero and Captain America actor, Chris Evans, has reportedly tied the knot with his girlfriend, Alba Baptista, in a private wedding ceremony. The 42-year-old actor and his 26-year-old Portuguese actress partner kept their special day under wraps, with the wedding allegedly followed by a close-knit celebration which included Evans’ Marvel co-stars, Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Hemsworth.
A source confirmed the nuptials to Page Six and revealed that the wedding was organized at the duo’s Boston home with only the closest family members and friends in attendance. To preserve the privacy of the event, guests were reportedly asked to sign non-disclosure agreements and to surrender their phones, though official confirmation from the happy couple has yet to appear.
Chris Evans’ wedding leaked pics
Jeremy Renner with Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey JR., Susan Downey at the Newbury Boston for a wedding of Chris Evans and Alba Baptista.
— Jeremy Renner Net (@JRennerNet) September 10, 2023