Mumbai: Actor Aditi Rao Hydari is all set to make her debut at Cannes Film Festival 2022 as the actress will represent smartphone brand Vivo India at the 75th edition of the festival.
Speaking on the collaboration Aditi said, “Vivo India represents innovation and creativity. I’m excited and thrilled to walk the Cannes Film Festival red carpet and represent the brand and India on a global scale. As an artist, being a part of a prestigious institution that celebrates cinema is an exhilarating”.
“At vivo, everything we do stems from a place of joy and optimism. And the smartphone plays a pivotal role in capturing this joy and making it last forever. It is a significant moment for both vivo and Aditi Rao Hydari as we make our debut at Cannes 2022. We look forward to capturing her maiden journey to Cannes 2022 on our flagship X80 series’ cinematic style video mode and make it a moment to remember,” added Yogendra Sriramula, Director Brand Strategy, vivo India.
Vivo India is geared up to bring a cinematic vision to life by participating in the Cannes Film Festival, which will take place from May 17th to May 28th, 2022, with its latest #MyLifeIsAMovie campaign in collaboration with actress Aditi Rao Hydari.
Apart from Aditi, actor Deepika Padukone will also attend Cannes 2022 but as a jury member.
This year’s Cannes Film Festival will take place between May 17 to May 26.