New Delhi: It is legendary actor Rajesh Khanna’s 81st birth anniversary today, on December 29. Born in Punjab’s Amritsar on December 29 1942, Khanna made his debut in 1966 with ‘Aakhri Khat’, which was India’s first official Oscar Entry in 1967. Khanna achieved super-stardom with Shakti Samantha’s ‘Aradhana’ (1969) which also starred veteran actor Sharmila Tagore in the lead role. With his versatility in acting, he has wowed and entertained the audience in more than 100 films.
Here is a look back at a few of the iconic films that made him an irrepressible star:
Amar Prem (1972)
Anand (1971)
Kati Patang (1971)
Haathi Mere Saathi (1971)
Aradhana (1969)