Mumbai: The grand premiere of Bigg Boss 18, hosted by the ever-charismatic Salman Khan, has set the stage for an exciting season. Among the 19 contestants introduced, Alice Kaushik and Vivian Dsena have quickly emerged as the top contenders, capturing the audience’s attention with their charm and strong personalities.
Alice Kaushik, known for her roles in popular TV serials, has already made a mark with her confident demeanor and strategic thinking. Vivian Dsena, a renowned TV actor, has also impressed viewers with his calm and composed nature, making him a strong competitor in the house.
The premiere episode was filled with excitement as Salman Khan introduced each contestant, setting the tone for a season full of drama, alliances, and unexpected twists. The theme for this season, ‘Time ka Taandav,’ promises to test the contestants’ patience and resilience, adding to the thrill of the competition.
As the contestants settle into the Bigg Boss house, viewers can expect a rollercoaster of emotions and intense rivalries. With Alice Kaushik and Vivian Dsena already standing out, it will be interesting to see how the dynamics unfold in the coming weeks.