New Delhi: Certain yoga poses can help you to release air. Yoga aids in relaxation throughout the entire body. Relaxing your body, and especially your bowels and intestines, can help you to pass gas. Eating certain foods can also help.
- Lie flat on your back with legs extended out on the floor.
- Pull one knee into your chest, holding your leg around the shin or kneecap. The back of your head should stay planted on the floor.
- Keep the other leg extended out long. Hold this position for up to 5 minutes before switching sides.
- Alternatively, you can pull both knees into your chest so you are curled into a ball.
- Lie flat on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor.
- Pull both knees up toward your chest and press feet toward the ceiling. Your knees will be bent.
- Grab onto your shins, ankles, or feet (depending on your flexibility). Gently pull knees closer toward the ground as your feet stay flexed up toward the ceiling and legs move gently apart.
- Keep head and neck pressed into the ground. If it feels good, you can rock from side to side. Hold this pose for 1 to 5 minutes.
- Lay flat on your back with legs extended out long on the floor.
- Pull your right knee into your chest by wrapping your hands around your shin or kneecap. Keep the left leg extended long.
- Draw your right knee across your body to the left. Your knee may touch the floor or it may hover; it just depends on what feels good in your body.
- Extend your right arm out to the side and turn your head to look over your right hand. Your left hand can stay on the bent knee or you can extend that arm out to the left side.
- Hold this pose for 1 to 5 minutes. Roll gently onto your back and repeat on the other side.
- Start in a kneeling position on your knees. Step your right foot forward while keeping the left knee on the ground.
- Place your hands on top of your right thigh or place them on the ground on either side of your front foot.
- To increase the intensity of the stretch in your hips, gently scooch the back left knee further behind you, widening the stance of your lunge.
- Hold this shape for 1 to 3 minutes. Bring the right knee back underneath your hips and step forward with the left leg to repeat on the other side.
- Stand with your feet hip-distance apart.
- Hinge forward from your waist so that your torso is draped over your thighs. Allow your head and neck to dangle.
- Your legs can be straight, or you can bend your knees if you have a tight low back. Your hands can rest on the floor beside your feet, rest on top of your shins, or wrap behind your calves.
- Hold this shape for 1 to 3 minutes before slowly rolling back up to standing.