Secunderabad: The nation can witness another heartwrenching train accident like the Balasore train tragedy, an anonymous letter mentioned. Recently, the Indian Railways received a letter warning of a “Balasore-like train tragedy” on the “Hyderabad-Delhi-Hyderabad” route. According to official sources, the letter dated June 30 was sent to the South Central Railway (SCR) and addressed to the Divisional Railway Manager of the Secunderabad Division.
As per the sources, the anonymous letter allegedly mentioned the possibility of a “Balasore-like train tragedy” in the next week on the “Hyderabad-Delhi-Hyderabad” route. The letter was received by post last week, sources said.
The SCR authorities informed the Telangana Police about the letter. “…the letter was received last week by post and was given to the State Intelligence for further action,” SCR sources said.