New Delhi: Social media influencer and actor Kusha Kapila has publicly announced her separation from husband Zorawar Singh Ahluwalia. The couple took to Instagram to share the news of their split. While the decision was mutual, they emphasised their commitment to co-parent their pet dog, Maya. Amid this, an old video of Kusha surfaced online, wherein she spoke about infidelity.
The video clip shows Kusha and Karan Johar talking about infidelity in a digital chat show “Social Media Star with Janice.” The filmmaker tells Kusha, “We have to exchange our numbers and remember I’m on WhatsApp all the time. So, don’t iMessage me just WhatsApp me. If you discuss any kind of problem you are having with Zorawar then call me.” To this, Kusha responds, “I know he therapises people. I have watched enough Karan Johar content to know that he is everybody’s go-to relationship person.”
“I’m very good at giving relationship advices. The first relationship advice, I will say ‘break up,'” Karan jokingly says, adding, “And remember sexual infidelity is not infidelity.” Kusha agrees with his statement and says, “I believe that.” After the divorce, her statement has not gone down well with netizens, who are slamming her for allegedly supporting ‘infidelity’.
Reportedly, Kusha Kapila and Zorawar Ahluwalia got married in 2017 after dating for a few years. Speaking about the same, she said it has been a tough ordeal but they have had time to process this. Taking to Instagram, Kusha shared a post which reads, “Zorawar and I have mutually decided to part ways. This hasn’t been an easy decision by any measure but we know it’s the right one at this point in our lives. The love and life we have shared together continue to mean everything for us but sadly, what we seek currently for ourselves doesn’t align. We gave it our all, until we couldn’t anymore.”
“A relationship ending is heartbreaking and it’s been a tough ordeal for us and our families. Thankfully, we have had some time to process this, but what we shared and built together panned for over a decade. We still need a lot more time and healing to get to the next phase of our lives. Our current focus is to get through this period with love, respect and support towards each other,” she added.