Wanna Burn Calories During Your Vacation? Try These Exercise


New Delhi: Just take out a few minutes to do these quick exercises during vacation. All you need is an open space and the will to stay fit.

Jumping jacks

  1. Stand straight with your arms at your sides and legs together.
  2. Slightly bend your knees and then jump.
  3. When you jump, make sure to spread your legs to be about shoulder-width apart then stretch your arms out and over your head.
  4. Jump back to the position when you started.
  5. Do this for one to two minutes.

Spine and shoulder mobility

  1. Place your palms on the yoga mat as you keep your body in plank position.
  2. Take your right leg near your right palm.
  3. Place your right forearm in front and stretch your right hand like you are trying to reach for the stars.
  4. Do the same with your left forearm and leg.
  5. Repeat it at least 10 times.


  1. Stand with your feet a little wider than hip width. Make sure your toes are facing front.
  2. Move your hips back while bending at the ankles and knees, and pressing your knees slightly open.
  3. Sit into a squat position while keeping your toes and heels on the ground. Keep your chest up and shoulders back.
  4. Try to reach parallel, which means you have to keep your knees bent to a 90-degree angle.
  5. Press into your heels and then straighten your legs to return to a standing position.
  6. Do this at least 10 times.

Jump squats

  1. Stand with feet shoulder width and slightly bend your knees.
  2. As you bend your knees, descend to a full squat position.
  3. Move the body up and off the floor. Keep your legs fully extended. The feet will be just a few inches off the floor.
  4. Descend and control your landing. Descend into the squat again for another jump, and upon landing immediately repeat the next jump.
  5. Do this at least 10 times.

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