Vivo Y01 has been launched in India for under Rs 10,000, a single variant with 2GB RAM and 32GB of internal storage. It is priced at Rs 8,999.
The exact availability date hasn’t been revealed yet but once it is released, the phone will be available on Vivo E-Store and offline retail stores. The Vivo Y01 smartphone comes in two options — Elegant Black and Sapphire Blue.
Some of the key features of the Vivo Y01 include — MediaTek Helio P35 SoC, expandable storage support, a 5000mAh battery, and more.
The Vivo Y01 comes packed with a 6.51-inch HD+ Halo Full View display with 720×1600 pixels screen resolution and 20:9 aspect ratio, backed by Vivo’s native Eye Protection mode.
It is powered by an octa-core MediaTek Helio P35 SoC paired with 2GB RAM and 32GB of internal storage, which can be expanded further through microSD card up to 1TB. On the software front, the Vivo phone runs on Android-based Funtouch OS 11.1.
The new Vivo Y series smartphone includes a 5000mAh battery, which the company claims offers “hours of usage” on a single charge. There are several connectivity options as well, including — 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS/ A-GPS, and a micro-USB port.