Mumbai: Urfi Javed always comes up with pleasant surprises for her fans and followers. The actor is a darling of the paparazzi as she always poses for them in her bold and sizzling outfits. Urfi always experiments with her sexy and alluring fashion statements which also comes under the radar of online trolls. However, the actor has stated multiple times that she is unapologetic and unabashed about her life choices. She also got into a verbal internet battle with Farah Khan Ali and Chahatt Khanna when they criticised her fashion choices. On the festive occasion, Urfi once again came up with a unique reel which she posted on her Instagram handle.
The actor captioned her post as, “Happy Diwali everyone !! ❤️❤️.” Urfi went semi-nude in the reel as she sits topless covering herself with her left arm. She wears a long maroon skirt while munching over a creamy muffin as diyas (earthen clay lamps) are lit on the table beside her. The actor looks sensual and and scorching hot as she seductively teases the camera by taking a bite of the muffin. Her captivating viral video has definitely opened thirst trap. As usual she got mixed reactions from netizens.