Seoul: According to South Korean authorities, actor Lee Sun Gyun, involved in a drug case, has passed away. As per K-media source, One Asia, an unconscious guy was found in a parked car in Waryong Park, according to a report from Seoul Seongbuk Police Station on December 27. They responded to an emergency call from a woman stating her husband had left home after leaving a note indicating suicidal intentions.
In the morning of December 27, following the mysterious phone call, the police confirmed the individual’s identity as Lee Sun Gyun. Additional evidence, such as burning charcoal briquettes in his car, indicated suicide. Since October, Lee Sun Gyun had been under police investigation for alleged drug use.
The 48-year-old actor, as per the police official left either a suicide note or a ‘will’ for his wife behind. The authorities said they received a call at night with a woman claiming “my husband had left the house after writing a note that resembles a will”.
Since October this year, several industry A-listers, including Lee Sun Gyun and BIGBANG’s G-Dragon, faced drug allegations prompted by police cues. G-Dragon, however, cleared his name after numerous narcotics tests. The situation for the Parasite actor remained uncertain, but a detailed analysis by the National Institute of Forensic Science, following a simple reagent test, confirmed the absence of drugs. Lee Sun Gyun, subjected to police investigations three times, sought a lie detector test on the 26th.