On Tuesday, the Madras High Court rejected Netflix India’s application to dismiss Dhanush’s copyright claims over the documentary Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale. Live Law confirmed the news as the copyright case trial began last week at the HC.
Dhanush claims footage from Naanum Rowdy Dhaan was used in Nayanthara’s documentary without NOC.
Dhanush claims footage from Naanum Rowdy Dhaan was used in Nayanthara’s documentary without NOC.
The publication wrote on X (formerly Twitter) that the HC dismissed Netflix India’s application to reject the copyright suit by Dhanush for using footage from Naanum Rowdy Dhaan in the documentary without no objection certificate (NOC) from him. They wrote, “#MadrasHC DISMISSES Netflix India’s Application To Reject copyright suit filed by #Dhanush against #NetflixIndia, #Nayanthara, #VigneshSivan and their production company for unauthorisedly using footage from #NaanumRowdyDaan in the Netflix documentary.”
At the same time, the judge presiding the case also told the OTT platform’s Indian entity Los Gatos that he would be hearing the interim injunction filed by Dhanush’s Wunderbar on February 5. Netflix reportedly argued that the picture of Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan from the movie was uploaded in 2020 but no action was taken then. They also argued that the plaint was filed one week after the documentary was release, showing no urgency.
Dhanush’s counsel argued that an email was sent against using the footage when the trailer of the documentary was released but it was paid no heed. It was argued that even the costumes and hairstyles belonged rightfully to the production house.
In November last year, Dhanush’s Wunderbar Films Private Limited filed a suit against Nayanthara, Vignesh, and their Rowdy Pictures Private Limited. The suit claims that they have used certain visuals from Naanum Rowdy Dhaan in the Netflix docu-drama Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale. Dhanush’s company has also taken out an application urging the High Court to grant permission to sue Los Gatos Production Services India LLP, an entity through which Netflix reports its content investments in India.