Mumbai: Ishaan Khatter has showered praises on Priyanka Chopra and spoke about her journey in Hollywood. Speaking with News18, Ishaan reacted to a fan comment saying he is “one of India’s finest actors”. The comment also added that “Hollywood will (value you)! Best of luck. You’ll be right up there with the likes of Priyanka Chopra”. Incidentally, Priyanka once dated Ishaan’s brother Shahid Kapoor.
Ishaan reacted to the comment and said, “She’s opened so many doors and she’s a trailblazer so many, many props to her for that. That’s a lovely thing to say. I am still doing the same thing (that I was previously). I am fortunate to receive these wonderful opportunities and I am most keen to go wherever the good work is and I am going to continue to do that and let’s see what the future has in store.”
“I know the role reads a certain way and it’s also the first time you are seeing me in this light. I also haven’t been kind of seen for a little while, there’s been space between my projects, I am looking a little more grown up, feeling it also (laughs). I am just glad the series is out and I am excited for everything that is to come,” Ishaan added.
Ishaan was recently seen in The Perfect Couple alongside Nicole Kidman. Speaking with PEOPLE, he had shared his excitement about working with such accomplished actors. “One of the things that I thoroughly enjoyed about this show is working with some wonderful people. They’re all professionals and they’re very generous and kind.” Ishaan and the rest of the cast filmed the series over four months in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, where they enjoyed activities like whale watching, wine tasting, and visiting local spots.
In The Perfect Couple, Ishaan plays Shooter Dival, the best man and childhood friend of the groom, despite the character being originally white in the book by Elin Hilderbrand. Director Susanne Bier made the decision to cast him based on his talent, not ethnicity. The show premiered on Netflix on September 5.