New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is conducting searches at premises linked to Trinamool Congress leader Mahua Moitra, including her houses in Kolkata and other places. The premier investigation agency has taken the action in connection with the cash-for-query scandal, over which Moitra lost her Lok Sabha membership last year.
The CBI on Thursday registered an FIR against Mahua Moitra over the scandal. The action was taken after directions from the Lokpal.
On March 15, the Lokpal asked the CBI to probe the allegations and submit a report within six months. It also asked the agency to file periodical reports every month.
“After careful evaluation and consideration of the entire material on record, there remains no doubt regarding the fact that the allegations leveled against the Respondent Public Servant (RPS), most of which are supported by cogent evidence, are extremely serious in nature, especially in view of the position held by her. Therefore, in our considered opinion, a deeper probe is required to establish the truth,” Lokpal said in its order.
Teams of the central probe agency reached Mahua Moitra’s residence in Kolkata and other cities early on Saturday, informed about the search proceedings and started the operation.
Mahua Moitra is accused of accepting bribes from businessman Darshan Hiranandani in return for asking his questions in the Parliament. She is also accused of sharing her parliamentary login-credentials with the businessman.
Mahua Moitra has denied accepting bribes. She claimed she had shared the credentials to have the businessman’s staff type out her parliamentary queries on the official portal.
In December, however, Mahua Moitra was expelled from the Lok Sabha for “unethical conduct”.