Paris: Aman Gupta, the co-founder of the electronic brand boAt and ‘Shark Tank India’ judge, made his debut at the Cannes Film Festival 2023 with his wife Priya Dagar. Taking to Instagram, Mr Gupta shared a few pictures with his wife from the prestigious film festival. He penned a long caption revealing that he has become the first Indian entrepreneur to walk the red carpet of the Festival de Cannes.
“This is it. Proud to be the first entrepreneur from India to walk the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival,” the Shark Tank India judge wrote, adding that he had never dreamed he would walk the red carpet at Cannes, but doing so was a “surreal” experience.
“Sometimes you dream and they come true. Sometimes you don’t even know what God has in store for you. I didn’t dream about this one. But now that I’m living it the feeling is surreal. Thank you God. Thank you Life,” Mr Gupta wrote on Instagram.
“Had always seen Aishwarya Rai or other celebs here at the Red Carpet. But never knew I would get this opportunity too. If I CAN , so CAN you,” he added.
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In a separate post, Aman Gupta’s wife also shared more photos from the couple’s “Cannes Debut’. She even shared glimpses from their first day at the film festival where they got the opportunity to meet American actor Michael Douglas.
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