Bhubaneswar: On the instructions of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, 5T Secretary VK Pandian visited the famous Maa Budhi Thakurani temple in Berhampur this afternoon.
Today was the last day of the famous Maa Budhi Thakurani Yatra of Berhampur. On this occasion, Mr Pandian worshiped the presiding deity and sought blessings.
Later, the 5T secretary discussed about the development of the temple with the temple committee and local representatives
Maa Budhi Thakurani Temple is an ancient temple and hundreds of devotees come here every day round the year . Therefore, it was decided to develop proper infrastructure for the convenience of the devotees.
Mr. Pandian advised the district administration to prepare a master plan in fifteen days in this regard.
MP Chandrashekhar Sahu, MLA Bikram Panda, Mayor of Berhampur, State Planning Board Member Ramesh Chandra Chau Patnaik and Ganjam District Collector participated in the discussions.