New Delhi: Vivo is all set to launch X90 later this month. The Vivo X90 series will be launching on November 22 in China, with a global launch expected at a later date. The smartphone will be using Qualcomm and MediaTek chipsets, a trend which has become quite common among brands.
Vivo X90 Pro Plus Expected Specs
Vivo X90 Pro Plus will feature a large 6.8-inches AMOLED display that is bezel-less. It is a multi-touch display with a high resolution of 1440 x 3200 pixels and a pixel density of 516ppi. Furthermore, the smartphone includes a 50-megapixel primary Camera a 50-megapixel Ultra-Wide Angle Shooter and a 12-megapixel Telephoto Camera. Turning to the front, the device will have a powerful 32-megapixel camera.
The phone will power a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, 8GB of RAM, and an Octa-core (Cortex A710, Cortex A510, and Cortex X2) chipset. Furthermore, the smartphone’s Adreno 730 GPU will let users play high-resolution video games.
The Vivo X90 Pro Plus will have a massive 5,000mAh Li-Polymer battery. It is a non-removable battery with a fast charging mechanism.