New Delhi: Google on Monday announced the winner of the 2022 Doodle for Google competition. This year, Shlok Mukherjee from Kolkata was declared the winner for India for his inspiring Doodle titled ‘India on the center stage’. Shlok’s Doodle is also being featured on on November 14 (Monday).
Sharing his doodle, Shlok wrote, “In the next 25 years, my India will have scientists develop their own eco-friendly robot for humanity’s betterment. India will have regular intergalactic travels from Earth to space. India will develop more in Yoga and Ayurveda, and will get stronger in coming years.”
“We were amazed by the creativity and imagination students brought to their entries, and were especially heartened that the advancement of technology and sustainability emerge as common themes across many of the doodles,” the Google Doodle page says.
New Google Doodle has been released: "Doodle for Google 2022 – India Winner" 🙂#google #doodle #design
— Google Doodles EN (@Doodle123_EN) November 13, 2022
Doodle for Google judging panel included actor, filmmaker, producer and TV personality Neena Gupta; Editor-in-Chief at Tinkle Comics, Kuriakose Vaisian; YouTube Creators Slayypoint; and, artist and entrepreneur Alika Bhat, and the Google Doodle team.This year’s contest received over 115,000 entries from children in classes 1 to 10 from over 100 cities across India, responding to the theme “In the next 25 years, my India will….”