The Indian television reality show ‘Bigg Boss’ is an immensely popular show among the masses. Every year, the new season of the show is telecasted, and it registers massive TRPs the main reason is the host Salman Khan. There is no other personality who can match the swag and charisma of Salman Khan as host of the show. Salman Khan’s magnetic humour, excellent hosting abilities, and superior entertainment value have made the show synonymous with the superstar. The superstar over the years has positioned himself as the perfect mentor for the contestants because of her unparalleled charm, wit, humour, emotional connection, spontaneity, and vitality.
Salman Khan has brought his larger-than-life personality into the foray for the show which makes him the pivotal host for the show Bigg Boss. The way he takes entry onto the stage is phenomenal and he grabs every eyeball with it. His natural behaviour brings a weightage of excitement to the show that also contributes to the massive TRPs. Salman Khan’s incredible sense of humour connects him easily with the contestants and he makes them feel comfortable like a friend and mentor. Besides this, the way he tackles the intense situations in his way speaks a lot about the fact of him being the in-demanded host.
Salman Khan not only interacts with the contestants but also offers them guidance for their issues. Salman Khan is well-known for his enthusiasm and spontaneity, traits he carries over to the Bigg Boss stage. This factor proves that he is the longest-reigning star who changed the landscape of the television industry
Salman’s role as a mentor gives the program depth because he turns into a source of inspiration and support for the players. Bigg Boss has become an unmatched entertainment spectacular with Salman’s involvement, drawing millions of people to each show. Salman Khan is the real star of Bigg Boss because of his unparalleled hosting abilities, which are evident as the show captivates viewers.