Bhubaneswar: Acting tough against alcohol consumption in public places, the Commissionerate Police have collected over Rs 20 lakh from more than 4,000 individuals who violated the law under the OUP Act in various police station areas within Bhubaneswar Urban Police District in the month of July under the “Safe City Drive” campaign.
Amongst them, Kharvelnagar Police Station collected a total of Rs.2,63,500/- from 526 law violators, Maitrivihar Police Station collected Rs.1,64,100/- from 326 defaulters, Saheednagar Police Station collected Rs.1,59,500/- from 318 defaulters, Badagada Police Station collected Rs.1,32,000/- from 264 persons indulged in public drinking. In the month of June, a total fine of Rs. 20,96,000/- was collected from 4,191 no. of defaulters of open drinking by all the police stations of Bhubaneswar UPD.
Strict measures are being taken regularly by Bhubaneswar Police to combat the illegal sale of various narcotic drugs and alcohol consumption in general.
In this context, the “SAFE CITY DRIVE” campaign is being continued by various police stations in the city to prevent illegal activities. In this campaign, public awareness is being created to book the violators & fines have been levied on them as per Odisha Urban Police Act.
To make Bhubaneswar city crime free and to keep the city safe, under the “Safe City Drive”, anti-socials are being regularly monitored. Bhubaneswar Police is also committed to taking strict action against law violators with the prevention of crime.
A WhatsApp number-7077798111 has been issued by Bhubaneswar City Police for the public to provide information about illegal drug dealing as well as to focus on criminal activities. Information provided by informants will be kept strictly confidential.