Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s latest directorial venture, 12th Fail, has finally graced the silver screens today, marking a triumphant return for the renowned filmmaker. Starring the exceptionally talented Vikrant Massey in a leading role, the film has already generated a buzz that’s hard to ignore. The reviews have started pouring in for 12th Fail and the film is earning accolades from critics in the media and audiences alike.
A source close to director and producer Vidhu Vinod Chopra recently revealed an interesting tidbit about the film’s release on OTT. It turns out that 12th Fail won’t be available on OTT platforms until next year. This decision reflects the filmmakers’ commitment to offering audiences a unique and unforgettable experience in the theaters. The source says “Vidhu Vinod Chopra has made a resolute decision – ’12th Fail’ won’t be available on OTT until next year. To experience the most incredible and inspiring film of the year, the audience’s only choice is to embrace it now, in the theaters”.
12th Fail, with its stellar cast and intriguing storyline, has become the talk of the town. The movie offers a captivating narrative that promises to be a must-watch for all movie enthusiasts. 12th Fail, with its captivating story and stellar cast, is quickly becoming a must-watch film of the year. As it continues to garner praise from critics and audiences alike, the decision to postpone its OTT release ensures that the cinematic journey envisioned by Vidhu Vinod Chopra will be cherished on the silver screen, making it an event worth attending for every movie lover.