New Delhi: Noise launched its latest smartwatch named Noise X-Match 1 in India. The Noise X-Fit 1 comes with features like a SpO2 sensor, a large display, an IP68 rating, and up to 10 days of battery life. Let’s take a look at the specs and features in detail.
Noise X-Fit 1 Price
The brand new Noise X-Fit 1 is priced in India at Rs. 2,999. That is stated to be the ‘particular launch value’ of the wearable with its MRP set for Rs. 5,999. The smartwatch is listed on Amazon India confirming availability on the ecommerce website. The Noise X-Match 1 smartwatch has launched in silver and black steel body and has a white and black silicone strap choice. It should go on sale on November 26 at 10 am IST.
Noise X-Fit 1 specifications
On the specifications front, the Noise X-Fit 1 smartwatch features a 1.52-inch IPS TruView display with an 86 percent screen-to-body ratio, 360×400 pixels resolution, and 354ppi pixel density. It has a silicone strap with a traditional buckle closure for clasping securely on the wrist. The wearable is listed to weigh 30 grams and have a 9mm thin metal finish. The wearable is capable of monitoring SpO2 blood oxygen levels, 24×7 heart rate, and even sleep. The Noise X-Fit 1 is able to monitor stress levels and integrates a total of 15 sports modes.
Noise X-Fit 1 has over 100 customisable and cloud-based watch faces. Other features include Quick reply and smart DND. The wearables packs a 210mAh battery that claims to last for up to 10 days. It is IP68 waterproof as well.