Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister has approved the formation of a new department, the Department of Mission Shakti which started functioning from today (June 1). The Rules of Business have been amended by the GA & PG Department.
Minister of Department of W & CD, Tukuni Sahu, has been allocated the Business of the new Department. Besides, Commissioner-cum-Director of Mission Shakti, IAS Sujata R. Karthikeyan, has been appointed as Commissioner-cum-Secretary to Department of Mission Shakti.
As per the decision of the State Government, the newly created “Department of Mission Shakti” will start functioning from June 1 and henceforth the parent Department i.e. Department of Women & Child Development and Mission Shakti will be renamed as Department of Women & Child Development.
The new Department will function in the Lokaseva Bhawan, Bhubaneswar with the functioning of its different branches at their respective existing places in Mission Shakti Bhawan, Pokhariput, and OLM Buildings, SIRD Campus.
Administrative control and management over “Mission Shakti Bhawan”, Pokhariput will vest with the new Department of Mission Shakti.
All other infrastructure and assets under the disposal of Directorate of Mission Shakti, OLM, and NULM related to SHG activities in the State District, Block, GP, and Village level shall be under the administrative control and management of the new Department of Mission Shakti.
The new Department will deal with the following subjects:-
- Mission Shakti
- Odisha Livelihoods Mission (OLM) for the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana (DAY), National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM)
- National Rural Economic Transformation Project (NRETP) &
- Self Help Groups (SHG activities under NULM dealt by SUDA)
Additional manpower for the functioning of the new Department has been created by the Government while the employees/staff of W & CD and MS Department, P.R. & D.W. Department presently looking after SHG related activities (government, contractual & outsourced) will be placed by the parent Departments with the new Department. The new Department will function with the staff provisioning made in the approved proposal.
Since the new Department will have its own budget head from the next financial year i.e. FY 2022-23, all budgetary matters pertaining to the new Department for the current financial year will be met out of the approved budget of the respective Departments i.e. Department of W & CD, P.R. & D.W. Department, and H & U.D Department.
Salary, remuneration, and other emoluments presently drawn and disbursed by the parent Departments with respect to the employee/staff, who will work in the new Department, will be drawn and disbursed by their parent Departments as usual for the current FY 2021-22.