New Delhi: Valentine’s week kicked off with record-breaking rose sales on the occasion of Rose Day, February 7. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Blinkit CEO Albinder Dhindsa said the quick commerce company had delivered more roses by 11 am than it did all day in 2023.
“Mad start to Valentine’s week! It’s just 11am and we’ve already sold more roses than we did on Rose Day in 2023. And our analysts are telling me that there will be a bigger peak in the evening,” the Blinkit CEO revealed.
In a follow-up tweet, the Blinkit CEO revealed that 20% of all orders were placed today for someone else. “20% of all orders since morning have been placed through our “Order for someone else flow”! Love that we are able to help so many folks send a valentine’s gift today.”
Rose Day marks the beginning of Valentine’s week, a wonderful occasion to show your loved ones how much you appreciate and love them. By giving a bouquet of red roses to each other, couples express love and affection for each other.
This Valentine’s week, Rose Day is followed by Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day, and then finally culminating with Valentine’s Day on February 14.
Just like roses, Blinkit also had sold more chocolates today than the company did last year. “Blue line – today (rose day), Red line – chocolate day 2023, Looks like we’ll easily sell more chocolates today than we did on chocolate day last year.”
The finale, February 14 is the day that finally wraps up the beautiful week. It is a day to celebrate love, commitment, and passion. Valentine’s Day culminates in the essence of deep feelings of love, intimacy, and togetherness.