New Delhi: The Fastrack Reflex Play smartwatch was unveiled. It features a 1.3-inch AMOLED round display, more than 25 multi-sports modes, an internal gaming option, and more. It also boasts a battery life of up to 7 days. In addition to these, the wearable provides a number of health-related capabilities, including a continuous heart rate monitor, a sleep tracker, and a blood oxygen saturation level (SpO2) monitor, among others.
The cost of the recently released Fastrack Reflex Play smartwatch in India is Rs. 7,995. However, starting on July 23, 2022, it will be discounted to Rs. 5,995 for Amazon Prime Day 2022 on the company’s website. The smartwatch comes with four different colour options for purchasers to choose from: black, blue, orange, and pink.
A round 1.3-inch AMOLED display and an integrated gaming platform are features of the Fastrack Reflex Play smartwatch. The wearable offers more than 25 different multi-sport modes, including ones for cricket, basketball, football, and more. Both iOS and Android mobile devices are compatible with it. It includes more than 100 cloud watch faces in addition.
The wristwatch features a 24/7 heart rate monitor, Sp02 monitor, blood pressure monitor, sleep monitor, and female health tracker on the front of health and fitness. A multisport tracker, audio playback controls, camera controls, an always-on display, and notifications alert for email, messages, and weather updates are all included with Fastrack Reflex Play.