India’s biggest aerial action spectacle, Fighter, had its grand theatrical release on the big screens last month, on January 25th, 2024. Since its release, the thrilling action drama has captured the hearts of the masses. Audiences have praised the film immensely for its enthralling visuals, nail-biting action, essence of patriotism, and stellar performances by Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone. With opening day collections of 24.60 crores, even on a working day, the film has now attained the status of the highest-grossing Indian film worldwide, breaching collections of a whopping 356 crores.
As the glorious run of the film in worldwide cinemas continues with pride, exciting news for fans and audiences emerges, promising to elevate the excitement even further. As Indian cinema celebrates “Cinema Lovers Day” tomorrow, February 23rd, 2024, the makers of Fighter have decided to offer tickets for the film at a flat rate of just Rs 99 across national chains.
Sharing the exciting news on social media, the makers posted:
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This offer of Rs 99 ticket rates is set to add another feather to the blockbuster run of ‘Fighter’. The aim of the makers is to provide an adrenaline rush and thrilling experience to the masses at feasible ticket rates.
Directed by Siddharth Anand and presented by Viacom18 Studios in association with Marflix Pictures, ‘Fighter’ epitomizes cinematic brilliance. This film seamlessly intertwines heart-thumping action and patriotic fervor, promising an unparalleled cinematic experience. Fighter is now showing in theaters.