Sambalpur: For the convenience of passengers and to cater travel demands, the Railways has decided to provide an additional stoppage of 20837/20838 Bhubaneswar-Junagarh Road-Bhubaneswar Express and 18517/18518 Korba-Visakhapatnam-Korba Express at Therubali station with effect from 07.07.2023 on an experimental basis.
20837 Bhubaneswar- Junagarh Road Express will arrive at Therubali station at 0608 hrs and leave at 0610 hrs. In the return direction, 20838 Junagarh Road- Bhubaneswar express will arrive at Therubali station at 2000 hrs and leave at 2002 hrs.
Likewise, another pair of trains, 18517 Korba-Visakhapatnam Express will arrive at Therubali station at 0225 hrs and leave at 0227 hrs. In the return direction, 18518 Visakhapatnam-Korba Express will arrive at Therubali station at 0035 hrs and leave at 0037 hrs.