497 Railway stations made Divyangjan friendly with installation of lifts, escalators

1090 Escalators installed at 339 stations & 981 Lifts at 400 stations up to August’2022


New Delhi: As a part of ‘Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan’, to provide ease of movement for Divyangjans, the aged and children on railway platforms, Indian Railways is installing lifts and escalators at railway stations across the country. So far, there are 497 stations where either lifts or escalators have been provided.

Escalators:- As per policy, normally Railways are providing escalators at State Capitals, Cities having a population of more than 10 Lakh or stations having a footfall of more than 25000 per day.

So far, 1090 Escalators at 339 stations have been provided up to Aug’2022. Yearwise position of provision of Escalators is as under:-

YEAR Up to Mar’2019 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 till Aug.
Nos, of Escalators provided 656 86 120 182+ 10 (Rep.) 46+ 8 (Rep.)


Lifts:- As per policy, GM/Zonal Railways are empowered to select stations/platforms for the provision of  Lift considering footfall, constraints of space etc.

So far, 981 Lifts at 400 stations have been provided up to Aug.’2022. Yearwise position of provision of Lifts is as under:-

YEAR Upto Mar’2019 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 till Aug.
Nos, of Lifts provided 484 92 156 208 41


Indian Railways has been consistently trying to improve passenger amenities at various stations. Provision of escalators and Lifts at the railway platforms is a part of this and also a necessity in view of the ever-increasing passenger volumes. Such a facility would facilitate improvement at exit/entry of passengers and is a further step to improve passenger safety as well.

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