Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s 12th Fail has been released in worldwide cinemas on October 27th, 2023. The film, headlined by Vikrant Massey and Medha Shankar, has been welcomed with unanimous love and praise from the audiences. Everyone heaped praise on the film for its exceptional storytelling, performances from the lead cast, and execution. The positive reception from every corner is a testimony to the fact that it led to a successful path for the film at the box office, and in the ticket window, the film enjoyed a long run of one month. It is to be noted that the film began its journey at the box office with an opening of 2 crores plus and then continued to move strength by strength, emerging as one of the biggest hits with a collection of 50 crores.
The film proved to be one of the most successful ventures of the year 2023, and to celebrate the film’s success and the response received by the audiences, the makers recently held a grand success bash. The success bash organized by the makers was attended by the entire cast and crew of the film, including the lead pairing Vikrant Massey and Medha Shankar and the filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra. The lead pairings, especially Vikrant Massey, have received countless compliments and praises for their exceptional performances in the film, where he portrayed the character of Manoj Sharma.
Besides this, a few days ago, it was announced that the makers were planning to send the film to the Oscars in 2024, and confirming the same in an interview, lead actor Vikrant Massey said, “The film 12th Fail has indeed been sent to the Oscars in 2024 as an independent nomination.”
The success of 12th Fail has restored the faith of the audiences in the exceptional content. 12th Fail, based on a true story, draws from the struggles of the millions of students who attempt the UPSC entrance exam. But at the same time, it goes beyond that one exam and encourages people to not lose heart in the face of failure and to restart. The film, directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, is now released in cinemas in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.