New Delhi: President Ram Nath Kovind has accepted NDA Vice-Presidential candidate Jagdeep Dhankhar’s resignation as Governor of West Bengal. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Chief J.P. Nadda named Dhankhar as the NDA Vice-Presidential candidate after the Parliamentary Board meeting at party headquarters on Saturday. Dhankhar is expected to submit his candidacy on Monday.
“The President has accepted the resignation of Jagdeep Dhankhar as Governor of West Bengal. The President is pleased to appoint La. Ganesan, the Governor of Manipur, to discharge the functions of the Governor of West Bengal, in addition to his own duties from the date he assumes charge of the office of the Governor of West Bengal until regular arrangements are made,” said an official statement on Sunday.
“After detailed discussion and considering all the names, the BJP Parliamentary Board has decided to announce the name of `Kisan putra` Jagdeep Dhankhar as the BJP and NDA candidate for the post of Vice-President. Presently, he is the Governor of West Bengal and has been in public life for nearly three decades,” Nadda said.