Sonepur: In a shocking incident at Chulimal village under Bhandar Panchayat, Binika Police Station of Sonepur district, two individuals were found dead on Tuesday, both shot in the head.
The two deceased are identified as Manoj Jhankar (30) and Dev Jhankar (30) of Chulimal village.
As per reports, Manoj and Dev were cousins and got into an argument over some issue which escalated. Later they were found dead in an open field with a service revolver at the scene.
Manoj was a police PSO. After examining the scene, Binika police station officer Sarangdhar Panigarahi said that both of them died after the bullet was fired. It is assumed that he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head after firing at Dev at his head.
Meanwhile, Subarnapur SP Yash Pratap Srimal has reached Binika police station and is monitoring the situation. The two dead bodies have been kept under strict security in Binika Hospital. further investigation is underway. Â