A mysterious disease in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri district has claimed 17 lives, with Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh ruling out an infectious pathogen as the cause.
Preliminary investigations suggest unidentified toxins may be responsible. The affected area, Badhaal village, has been declared a containment zone and an 11-member inter-ministerial team is investigating the deaths. Symptoms reported include fever, pain, nausea, intense sweating, and loss of consciousness.
Authorities have sealed a water spring after samples tested positive for pesticides and insecticides. The investigation is ongoing to identify the specific toxin involved.
“As per preliminary investigation conducted by the CSIR lab in Lucknow, it is not any infection, viral or bacterial in nature. Toxins have been found. Now, investigation is underway to ascertain what kind of toxin it is,” Singh told reporters.
The deaths, spanning from December 7 to January 19, occurred within three families in the remote Badhaal village in Rajouri, prompting authorities to declare the area a containment zone on Wednesday. Prohibitory orders on public and private gatherings have also been imposed to curb panic.
Four more villagers, close relatives of the deceased families, remain hospitalised in critical condition, officials said.