Sundargarh: Vigilance sleuths on Friday arrested the Medical Officer of Gairabahal Primary Health Centre (PHC) in Sundargarh district for allegedly demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 4000.
The arrestee has been identified as Sarada Prasanna Behera.
According to reports, an auto rickshaw met with an accident, and both the passengers and the driver were injured. Following this, the auto driver reached Gairabahal PHC with the passengers.
Meanwhile, Medical Officer Sarada Prasanna Behera, who was present at the PHC, demanded a bribe of Rs 12,000 from the auto driver after threatening him to intimate the police which would lead to the cancellation of his driving license. Thereafter, the auto driver paid Rs 8000 on the same day and later informed the Vigilance about the same.
On the basis of the complaint, the officials laid a trap and caught Behera red-handed while taking the remaining Rs 4000 of the gratification money. The cops have also recovered the entire bribe money him.
A case has been registered in this regard at Rourkela Vigilance Police Station and further investigation against Behera is underway.