New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s iconic radio programme, ‘Mann Ki Baat,’ marks its 10th anniversary today. The 114th episode is set to air at 11 A.M. across Akashvani’s entire network, Doordarshan, the All India Radio (AIR) News website, and the Newsonair mobile app.
Launched on October 3, 2014, ‘Mann Ki Baat’ has become a significant platform for the Prime Minister to address the nation, discussing key issues and sharing his thoughts on topics of national importance. Over the past decade, the programme has aired 113 episodes, touching on a wide range of subjects from social issues to national achievements.
The programme’s reach is extensive, leveraging radio’s accessibility, especially in remote rural areas where television is less prevalent. This strategic choice ensures that ‘Mann Ki Baat’ reaches a broad audience, making it a vital communication tool for the government.
One of the notable moments in the programme’s history was in January 2015, when former US President Barack Obama made a special appearance during his visit to India for the Republic Day Parade. The programme has also been a platform for public participation, with the ‘Mann Ki Baat’ website receiving over 61,000 ideas from the public in its first 15 episodes alone.
As ‘Mann Ki Baat’ celebrates this milestone, it continues to evolve, now available in regional dialects to further enhance its reach and impact. The programme remains a testament to the power of radio in bridging the communication gap between the government and the people.
Tune in today at 11 A.M. to catch the special 10th-anniversary episode of ‘Mann Ki Baat’ and join the conversation that has been shaping India’s narrative for the past decade.