New Delhi: Anemia occurs due to a drop in the count of red blood cells in the blood. Having anemia may make you feel tired and weak. Don’t worry we have pilled up some yoga asanas to help you out.
Ujjayi Pranayama
Ujjayi Pranayama regulates breath through the mouth and throat
- Sit in Sukhasana or any meditative posture. Keep the spine erect.
- Close your mouth and constrict the throat
- Exhale shortly then inhale rhythmically
- Allow air to pass through a constricted throat
- Continue the inhalation and retain the inhaled air for sometime
- Keep the facial muscles relaxed
- Exhale gradually, avoiding any jerky movements.
This Pranayama helps to regulate circulation and slows down the heart rate. It also has a heating effect on the body and increases the process of oxidation in the blood.
Suryabhedana Pranayama
Suryabhedana pranayama helps to reduce the heat in the body and helps increase circulation
- Steps of Suryabhedana Pranayama
- Sit comfortably in Padmasana or Sukhasana
- Keep the head and spine aligned in a straight line
- Bring your right hand to the left nostril and shut it from the ring finger & little finger.
- Inhale through the right nostril
- Take deep breaths from the right nostril while keeping the left nostril closed
- Inhaling through the right nostril, close the right nostril with the right thumb and hold
- Release the ring and little finger from the left nostril Exhale completely
- Continue for 5-10 rounds
This Asana replenishes the oxygen supply in the blood and also increases vigor and strength
Anulom-Vilom Pranayama
This is an effective Pranayama that helps to regulate the natural breathing
- Sit comfortably in Padmasana or Sukhasana
- Keep the head and spine aligned in a straight line
- Keep right hand near left nostril and shut it from the ring finger & little finger.
- Inhaling through the right nostril, close the right nostril with the right thumb
- Release the ring and little finger from the left nostril Exhale completely
- Continue for 20-30 rounds
This Pranayama regulates the natural way of breathing and creates a balance. It increases oxygenation in the lungs. It increases inner harmony and has a calming effect on the nervous system. It also increases concentration and balances the energies in the system.
Kapalbhati Pranayama
Kapalbhati is a Pranayama that helps improve circulation and cure blood pressure issues.
- First, you need to sit in a relaxed position then close your eyes.
- Inhale and expand your chest
- Exhale forcefully with contractions of abdominal muscle`s
- Continue actively for a few minutes
This Pranayama increases the overall oxygenation in the blood and calms down the body
Trikonasana helps to increase equilibrium in the body and helps to improve the functioning of the internal organs
- Stand straight and keep your feet comfortably separated
- Turn the right foot out to 90 degrees and keep the left foot inside by 15 degrees.
- Align the center of the right heel with the center of the left foot arch
- Keep the weight of the body balanced on both feet
- Inhale and while exhaling, bend the body to the right, go down from hips and keep waist straight
- Bring left hand up in the air while the right hand comes down. Keep both arms into a straight line.
- Bring the right hand on the shin or ankle. Stretch the left arm towards the ceiling, in line with the tops of your shoulders. Keep your head in a neutral position.
- Keep the pelvis and chest wide open
- Stretch and be steady and take deep breaths
- Inhale and come up
Strengthens the lower body, improves equilibrium, and increases mental and physical stamina. It reduces digestive issues and improves blood circulation.