New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate has issued fresh summons to Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut asking to today for questioning in a money laundering case linked to alleged irregularities in the redevelopment of a chawl in Mumbai’s Goregaon area, and financial transactions purportedly involving his wife.
Raut has been asked to depose at the agency’s regional office in Mumbai.
Terming the ED notice as a “conspiracy” to stop him from fighting his political opponents, Raut more time from the agency that investigate financial crimes, citing a meeting he was supposed to attend at Alibaug in Maharashtra’s Raigad district.
He has been questioned for about 10 hours on July 1.
In April, the ED provisionally attached assets worth over Rs 11.15 crore of Raut’s wife Varsha Raut and two of his associates as part of this investigation.
The attached properties are in the form of land held by Pravin M Raut, Sanjay Raut’s aide and a former director of Guru Ashish Construction Pvt Ltd, at Palghar, Saphale (town in Palghar) and Padgha (in Thane district).
These properties also include a flat in Mumbai’s suburb Dadar held by Varsha Raut and eight plots at Kihim beach in Alibaug jointly held by Varsha Raut and Swapna Patkar, wife of Sujit Patkar, a “close associate” of Sanjay Raut, the ED had said.
The agency wants to question Sanjay Raut to know about his “business and other links” with Pravin Raut and Patkar and also about the property deals involving his wife.