Bhubaneswar: A team of officers of the Crime Branch team, accompanied by a scientific squad, arrived at Sundarpur on Wednesday to escalate the probe into the custodial assault case at Bharatpur police station. The Army Major and his fiancée joined the team to aid in reconstructing the event.
Initially, the team revisited Bharatpur police station to simulate the incident. They also inspected the Pathargadia locality, where the couple reportedly faced misconduct, groping, and assault by seven engineering students from two private colleges.
In the interim, the Odisha government has ensured the safety of the army officer and his fiancée by assigning Personal Security Officers (PSOs) following a state directive, as confirmed by a senior official from the Bhubaneswar-Cuttack Police Commissionerate.
The PSOs are tasked with accompanying the couple within the city. Both the army officer and his fiancée have welcomed the government-provided security measures.
This development follows their meeting with Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi at the state secretariat, where the woman expressed concerns over potential threats due to the ongoing case.
It is noteworthy that the incident in question occurred on September 15, when the army officer and his fiancée reported to Bharatpur police station to file a complaint regarding a road rage incident involving harassment by local youths.
Subsequently, the state government suspended five police officials and initiated a judicial investigation into the matter.