New Delhi: The National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) released a notice on Saturday, August 10, detailing the normalization procedure for result preparation.
The NBEMS has announced that it will utilize the process currently employed by AIIMS-New Delhi for its various exams conducted across multiple shifts, including but not limited to INI-CET, for the NEET-PG 2024 results.
The board also referenced the AIIMS Delhi notice from January 20, 2023, which stated that the “Percentile score is the Normalized Score for the examination.”
According to the AIIMS Delhi notice, the Percentile Score represents the percentage of candidates who have scored EQUAL TO OR BELOW (the same or lower raw scores) that particular percentile in the examination.
This means that the highest scorer (topper) in each group (shift) will receive a Percentile of 100, which is ideal. The scores ranging from the highest to the lowest are then converted into corresponding percentages.
Furthermore, to prevent clustering and reduce the occurrence of ties, Percentile Scores will be calculated to seven decimal places.
The scoring method dictates that the “HIGHEST SCORE in each paper (regardless of the raw scores/percentage obtained) will be the 100 Percentile, indicating that 100% of candidates have scored equal to or less than the highest scorer/topper for that shift.”
The lowest score will receive a percentile that reflects the total number of candidates who participated in the examination.
Significantly, this NBEMS announcement follows just one day after the Supreme Court dismissed a petition to postpone NEET PG 2024 on Friday. The petitioners had raised concerns about travel arrangements to their designated centres and had also requested the disclosure of the normalization formula for the four sets of question papers to ensure transparency and fairness in the process.