New Delhi: In a landmark verdict, the Supreme Court on Thursday said the electoral bonds scheme has to be struck down as “unconstitutional”. It has delivered a unanimous verdict on a batch of pleas challenging the legal validity of the central government’s electoral bond scheme which allowed for anonymous funding to political parties.
The top court held that the anonymous electoral bonds scheme is violative of the right to information under Article 19(1)(a).
The Supreme Court said political parties are relevant units in the electoral process and information about funding of political parties is essential for electoral choices.
The electoral bonds scheme, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud said, was unconstitutional and arbitrary and may lead to a quid pro quo arrangement between political parties and donors.
The Constitution bench of five judges held that the stated objective of fighting black money and maintaining the confidentiality of donors cannot defend the scheme. Electoral bonds, the court said, are not the only way to curb black money.